Post to the previous post…

Oh yes…and I terribly need a Cat!

[At least to

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Missing him…uff…

Waiting for Saturday…hoping…

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So…another post…

Bonjour a tout le monde!!!:D
Commeon ça va!?

Ok…no answers as the same…:)

Two months has passed since the last post,and looot of things happened!

Newyear’s party begun in a wonderful way,but after midnight we smoked weed,and we all got sick…fuck! 😦 At 2.00 we were already sleeping…it was something terrible,I got really scared…after that experience I sold half of the weed left,and we tryed to find the right dose with the remaining one…we found it when it finished…FUCK!
As the same I was used to go out with Michele Vinc and Sandro,but like one month ago I decided to change things a little bit…Vinc got colder and colder day by day,so I decided not to contact him to go out anymore…if he wants to see his friends he has to contact them,not always the contrary!It’s also a way to forget him! Moreover I don’t see Sandro from like a month…always going out with Michele,as old times:) I really like it! He’s for sure my best friend at all!
I begun again with work on January the 7th. With children is always the same,just trying to improve their range with Horn,and helping them to reach a good flexibility. With adults I’m preparing the two trios for Horn that I wrote…as usual one is "The Pork Roast Feast"[Little Rag and Blues for Three Friends],the other is a sad piece,Abschied,I wrote on may 2008 when I spoke to Stefano about Vinc and I was depressed…they’re studying quite well,and it sounds like pieces will come out very good:)
Silvia comes to lesson really rarely…Fuck! I need money!!!
I had a concert with Salo’s Band in Tremosine,really nice:p Than a little concert with pupils of middle school,and on January the 30th I went to Milan and I took my new Horn:D He’s wonderful! He looks really old,because it’s not polished or laquered…the following week I had reharsal in Padova with Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto,a really good and well known orchestra:D My Horn teacher plays there,and he gave them my name because they needed a 4th Horn…I stayed at Meggy’s house,and I had a nice evening with her,her boyfriend and their friends:) The following day I went to Vicenza for lesson…I came home in Brescia,and I left for Bovezzo with bike because my parents had some problem with car…finally I got sick-_-”A fucking temperature,and I vomited…so I had to skip the second reharsal…the following day I felt better,and I went again to Padova for reharsal…On saturday the 6th it happened something nice(Ok,my train arrived 75 minutes in late in Vicenza and I lose the last lesson of the analysis course…but that’s not important:p)…yes because I met a nice boy in Vicenza,Kiri.We had a really nice morning and afternoon there:) We ate at McDonald’s,and we had a walk in the town centre…finally we stayed in a park,speaking…sooo nice:) Finally I left for Verona,there I took the train for Legnago,and I had the concert with the Orchestra(Uhhh,I was dressed with frac:p You’ve to see the pictures!:D)Sandro and Vinc came to the concert,and they picked me home(after a stop at Re Desiderio’s,where I arrived dressed in frac:p Lol)…
Some days before arrived my bro from France,and finally also his girlfried,Leyla,reached him…nice girl:)
The following saturday I went to Trieste,to play with the Guggen Band of Muja for the local carnaval…Ok,I left my luggage on the train(I lose my camera,my elegant pants,my favourite jeans,two belts,my pijama,two condoms and the Durex oil,and lot of other stuff),but except for it it was a really nice experience!:D I stayed ad Daniele’s,a tuba player I knew on internet(he invited me for the concert)…the concert was like crazy,all Brass and Percussion,we drunk some grappa during it:p After we went to eat in a reataurant,and finally we came home…nice night:D It happened something between me and Daniele,and it was really sweet!:D In that moment I understood that I need a boyfriend or at least somebody who cares for me not only for sex!…
Next week I went to Rovereto for some reharsal with OFLAR…on 20th we had the concert at Melotti’s Auditorium of Mart,the Museum of Modern Art. Diego and Leyla come with me…we passed for Garda Lake,we stopped in Limone,and they went to Trento while I was reharsing with the Orchestra. After the concert pizza,and then we passed to my aunt’s for a party she was giving in her laboratory. Yes I was tipsy:p And this night begun a nice mail via sms and phone calls with Kiri…eheheh…
On saturday the 27th I got temperature again,and it went on until sunday night…then I felt better,and I went to Salò,to replace the Horn teacher who was ill…naturally I come home with temperature again-_-” Luckily during the night it passed at all. On February the 2nd I begun with my Brass quintet again!:D We had a reharsal in Desenzano,and it was great! We read some new pieces,and also old ones…cool!:D
On 4th I got up really early (5.45),I took the train for Vicenza(oh,yes…not taking the Eurostar season ticket anyomore…too expensive!Now I’m taking the regional one)…I had to recover the lesson I lose the previous months for the train’s delay…I told the teacher I had only 45 minutes,because then I had to do two concert-lesson with the Brass quintet of students…naturally he begun speaking about another topic,and after 20 minutes the Chamber Music teacher came to call me…one of the Trumpet players didn’t come,so we had to reharse with the new one-_-”(so I didn’t recover the topic I missed!) The concert-lessons went ok,luckily…
But the best was on saturday the 6th…eheheh:D
Kiri invited me to his house in Lazise,on Garda Lake…I arrived at 15.00 in Peschiera station(I travelled in the toilet of the train because I left my season-ticket at home-_-”),and he told me his friends were arriving at 20.00…so we had a walk on Lazise’s lakeside…finally his friends told him they weren’t coming…so we ate,and we went to bed…:D Ihihih…yes,it was really sweet!:D (And not only sweet:p)…OMFG!!!The following morning arrived some friends…we ate,we had another walk on the lakeside,then we had lunch(at 4 pm:p)…finally we tidied up and we left…
What to say…I don’t see him from the 7th…and I miss him sooo much!…I had to see him yesterday in Verona…but there were problems with train…yes,because it snowed…a lot!GODVERDOMME!!!So trains got crazy…uff…hope to see him soon:)
Uhm…other facts:
Leyla and Diego left for Bologna,so now I’m sleeping in my room again,and I have my privacy…that’s good,but mum begun again with suspictions and bad jokes…fuck,bitch!
I had a reharsal with Ghedi’s band for a Concert on march the 9th,the following day I got up again at 5.45…train to Vicenza for two concert-lesson with Orchestra…they went ok:)…
On monday I went to Argicay…they’re giving some films which won prizes at Berlin’s Film festival in the past years…we watched Sense and Sensibility,directed by Ang Lee…nice:D We laughed a lot:p
Uhm…ok,don’t know what add more.

I know this post is quite different from others,but I felt like to write,didn’t want to leave the usual"Work-Love-Friends-Music-Other"post…
Oh,yes I know…it’s full of mistake…but I wrote it without checking what I was writing…so don’t piss me off!

See you soon! (Ahahah,I write it every time,and every time I don’t write for months!:p)

P.S. I charged new pics in the "Vanalles" album…check them and comment!:D

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Review of 2009

Hellow! How’re you?

[Ball of dry grass passing through the desert]

So…2009 has just ended…What to say.
This year was full of events and changes. I found a boy,I lost my virginity,I begun having fun with boys,I got my Horn graduation,I begun the biennal course,I got my driving licence,I saw some of my friends changing,I played in lot of occasion,I earned quite good money with music,I had my total coming out,I went to Belgium.
There were also negative facts,like my outing with mum,problems with friends,misunderstandings,the "I can’t forget him",some concerns which still remain,I lost my work in some bands,and I lost my band.

So,at last…this was one of the better year of my life,but still not good as much as I want…so:

And I’ll work as much as possible to make it happens! 🙂



See you!

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Last post of 2009 [For sure:p]

So…tomorrow will snow with raimbow colors…it’s like centuries that I don’t write two post in the same day:p

I’ll left tomorrow the usual post about the past year…
I just want to wish (to almost) everybody a nice evening and a wonderful party! 😀


See you tomorrow! (I hope)


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Last post of 2009 (Maybe)

Hi everybody (Uhm…I’d better say "Hi nobody"!)

More than two months has passed…so I’ve to make my usual report(and as usual nobody care about it,but it’s ok with it:p)


-Work: Not so much…Some concert with some bands,and also with Choruses…I sung with Conservatory’s Mixed Chorus and with Brixia Camera Chorus. And as usual I played for the dialectal comedies with Beppe and Mariateresa,around the ancient churches in the province. This year the players were: Me, Michele, Vince, and Emanuele (the ex 1st calrinet of my ex band).
Always teaching in Bovezzo,and always giving lesson to Silvia.

-Study: I begun with conservatory…now I’m going only 3 days a week…I’m attending Horn, Orchestra and Analysis of Repertory. It’s going quite ok,I like it…teachers are very good,and there’s a quite good organization…not the best at all,but really better than Brescia’s one:p The only bad thing is the train…the Eurostar season-ticket costs 136€ per month:S
I’ve periods in which I study a lot,and periods in which I don’t study that much…but it’s going quite ok:) I like it:D (But I’d like to study more and more!)

-Friends: Out every evening with Vinc,Michele,and from some weeks with another friend,Sandro. Sometimes with Gaia and Franci…and also with Miriam and Simona.

-Love: I still like Vinc
very much 😦 I can’t go past it. But I could have some fun with some boys…on November the 8th I officilayy begun my "Saltarello" period…:p Eheheh You know what I mean…

-Other facts: I went to Milan to see a Horn…I’llbuy it! It’s wonderful! 😀
That day my mother discovered that I’m gay…now she calls me "Culo" (Ass),and she makes bad jokes on me -_-‘… My father doesn’t say anything:p
My brother come back from Mexico…the following day he left for Paris…now he’s in Brittany…coming home on January with his girlfriend.
I’m smoking as hell,I bought lof ot weed,and Vinc is a perfect roller:p [Copied from the previous post:p]
I sent to Trieste’s conservatory the request for the teachign place…I know they’ll refuse it,but at least I’ll enter in the ranking. So maybe next year I’ll have a job as teacher in a conservatory:…I hope!!!:D
Simona and Ele come back from London for some days…they’ll go leave again in few days.
Michele has a boyfriend:D
This morning I and Michele met Marchini…we had a nice talking:D

Don’t know what else can I write…so

See you! 😀

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Opera di Albano Morandi, musiche di Darius Milhaud e Rossano Pinelli

Hanno partecipato: Corrado Galli – Sara Apostoli – Elisa Arici – Chiara Butti – Chiara Cervati – Giada Crispiels – Sara Filippini – Federica Tralongo
MaMa&MaMa Quintet: Marta Arrighini – Matteo Bonetti – Emilio Paraggio – Marco Regosa – Mattia Rullo
Attrice: Chiara Cervati

La LABA, durante l’anno accademico 2008-2009, grazie alla collaborazione della Fondazione ASM, ha potuto creare, all’interno del corso di Scenografia per il Teatro Musicale del biennio di specializzazione in Scenografia, un vero laboratorio di produzione teatrale in cui gli studenti hanno realizzato la messa in scena di questa Fiaba Musicale. Ispirata a classici come Alice nel paese delle meraviglie o Pierino e il lupo, questa storia vuole essere un percorso in cui guidare i giovani spettatori nel mondo degli strumenti musicali con l’accompagnamento di un quintetto di fiati che esegue dal vivo musiche di Darius Milhaud e del compositore bresciano Rossano Pinelli, scritte appositamente per quest’opera.

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I’m Back

Yes yes,I know…it’s more than 2 months that I don’t write anything…sorry 🙂
Looot of things happened,so…better to update!

-Work: Looot of work! September was full of dates and events. With my quintet I had 5 concert. One in Milano,on September the 15th,for the MiTo festival,4 in Brescia,organized by Laba,an academy of art,it was a very nice show for child,and we had to play music by Milhaud and by Rossano Pinelli,who composed some trios and quintets for the event.The other concert was for an humanitary campaign,but I was in Germany,so the others played with another Horn player.
I went twice in Germany,first to Munchen with Rezzato’s band,and then to Schlema with Salò’s band…sooo funny:p We played a lot,and we drunk LOOOT of beers:D Moreover Ghisla isn’the conductor of Salò’s band anymore,Andrea Loss is the new conductor…better,and nicer!
With teaching I’m less taken than last year…I refused Gardone V.T.,I probably won’t have free afternoons,and I don’t want to collaborate with Ghisla anymore.In Rezzato the old teacher gave her availability,so I lost my place…In Villa Carcina the new administration (voted by the president of the band) cut off half of the money for the academy(fuck you,bitch!),so they cut half of the courses…naturally mine was in the list of the cutted ones…
I had Urago Mella…but I closed with them,so now I’m giving private lesson to Silvia.I begun today.

-Music: I had my admission exam to the biennal course in Vicenza,and I passed it…today I payed the taxes,and I sent them the application form,so from Novermber I’ll travel alost everyday from Brescia to Vicenza,to attend my courses. My pianist,a japanese girl,Miki,was reeeally good:) And she’s very nice:D

-Study: It could be strange,but I’m stadying:) Sometimes I like to play some difficult studies from different books…so when I’ll begun with courses I’ll be a little ready:)

-Friends: Not going out with the old company anymore…it’s very rare. Always out with Vinc,Michele,Michele’s friends and (ex) girlfriend.

-Love: Me and Vinc broke before leaving for holidays.I still like him very much,but we’ve to be only friends.I’ve to find someone,or I won’t ride over that period.Two weeks after out break I went to know a boy,in a small village in Bergamos’ province…we had some hot staff in the fields,but…nothing else…

-Other facts: I went to Belgium!:D It was a wonderful holiday(except for a day in a horrible amusement arcade),and I had SOOO much fun!
I’m smoking as hell,I bought lof ot weed,and Vinc is a perfect roller:p [Copied from the previous post:p]
Me Michele Vinc Mino and Carmi had a Belgian-Beer evening.We watched Saving grace,we smoked three joint,and we drunk four bottles of belgian and one of dutch beer at Vinc’s.It was really funny,and nobody got sick:)
I hosted Steve and Sarah,his girlfriend,for two days…it was funny,even if I was really taken with work(concert in Milano and reharsal in Salò on september the
15th and reharsal with quintet and stuff meeting in Bovezzo on september the16th.
Michele finally had an almost general coming-out,and he broke with his girlfriend
I’m knowing more gay guys,and they’re very nice…but it sounds like they’re scoffing at me -_-‘
My mum always suspict a lot about me,and she’s very indiscrete.

And last,but not the least,I broke all my relation with Urago Mella’s band…I was discriminated for my orientation,and they told lot of bad things behind my back,and they did the same thing with Marzia,the conductor…the situation went worst and worst…so we went away.

I hope I’ll write most often here,but you know…too much facebook,with lot of gay profiles,and a little bit of myspace…and I don’t care that much anymore about my old lovely blog.

Bye bye!

P.S. I decided to make publig my blog again because of the bad situation that happened. There wasn’t any reason to hide it anymore.

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Lot of time that I don’t write,as usual…
But it’s a strange evening,so I feel like to write…

So…what to say…
-Work: Finished…I just played with Lumezzane S.A.’s Band,the last concert with Gardone V.T.’s Band,I think the last of my life with them (they didn’t pay me for some stupid reasons),and also a concert with Muscoline’s Band,conducted by Daniela Gozzi,it was sooo nice:D

-Music: I finally got my graduation,so now you’ve to call me "Maestro"! Ahahah!:p Well…I tell the truth when I say thay I didn’t play that well,I was too nervous…and the commission wasn’t that great…so at last I took a 7…but it’s ok:p Tomorrow I’m going to Vicenza,tu subscribe me to the biennal course…

-Study: Well,I’m studying a little for the admission exam,but…it’ll be on September the 29th or 30th,so I have time enough 🙂

-Friends: Don’t going out that frequently with old friends…and telling the truth I’m not sad about it…always going out with Michele and Vinc,sometimes with Miriam,Simona,and sometimes with Vinc’s friends…we had some nice evenings…ans sometimes we go out with Michele’s friends…nice people:p

-Love: In Adria,where I did my graduation,I finally lost my second virginity…but I felt that something was wrong,in fact some days later I spoke with Vinc,and it’s not going that great…:( At first I was a little sad about it,but I liked the words he told me…and telling the truth it’s better if we break…he sees me more like a friend,and I begin to feel it too…I see that he’s not interested in me anymore,so…it’s better to cut it…for sure we’ll remain good friends:) We’ll see what will happen!

-Other facts: I took my driving licence!:D
I’m smoking as hell,I bought lof ot weed,and Vinc is a perfect roller:p
My legs were totally shaved with wax…some days ago I passed with silk epil,but I’ll do it again,beacuse I’m still a bit hairy:p
I lost all my pics and videos on a fucking external drive who was broken -_-”
I’m knowing more gay guys,and they’re very nice:)
My mum always suspict a lot about me,and she’s very indiscrete.
Me Michele Vinc and Mino had a Queer-Crashing-Night…we went in a park with a bottle of Martini,a bottle of Vin Santo,some chips,some bread stick,and a joint…the only one who was really crashed was Vinc,he finally puked:S
I went to swimning pool twice,once with Vinc,and once with Michele and Vinc,and it was sooo funny:)
I had to chase a mouse in Vinc’s house…it’s a long story,if you want I’ll tell you,it’s funny:p (this sentence is useless:nobody read this fucking blog!)

Oh,and next week I’ll leave for Belgium!:D

Well…see you when I’ll feel like to write again.


Pubblicato in PseudoDiario | 2 commenti


Hi everybody!:D I’m already here,after almost two months,with the usual(well,it’s better to say UNusual:p)update!

So…in this two months LOOOTS of things happened…And mostly of them were nice:)

– Work
My Band: Silvia came back to lessons,and as usual she did good:) Andrea begun to study a little harder,only because of the final exam. -_-‘ With youth band it went great,my pupils were really good,and we also had some new entry…unluckily some unpleasant facts happened,because of this blog and of his pictures,so…at the concert(this evening)I won’t conduct them…saturday pupils had their exam,and most of them went quite good:)
Villa Carcina’s Band: Finally on sunday the 24th we had the final concert of the horn class,and the following day we had the last lesson.Andrea play quite good, he’s studying well,and Giovanni…well,Giovanni is an idol:D Actually my favourite pupil!:D
Rezzato’s Band: During the last lessons we prepared the pieces for the final concert(and as usual we prepared my Horn Trio:p,"The Pork Roast Festival")…So we had the last lesson on tuesday the 26th,and the following day the concert…it went REALLY good:) My two girls,Lucia and Laura,played very well,and also George,the little one of the class:) So cute ^_^ We also did the examination for the pupils,on saturday the 16th…veeery long work…:p
Gardone Val Trompia’s School: I begun preparing the piece for the final concert with Marco…I had to work a bit,but finally,on wednesday the 27th we had the final concert,and it went great:D He was sooo nervous,but he played well:) This week we’ll reply it.
Bands in General:With Palazzolo sull’Oglio I had another concert,on saturday the 16th,it was great:D I also earned 125 euros for 3 reharsal and concert.And last saturday I had another concert,with their youth band…30 euros for a concert,without reharsal:p
With Gardone V.T.’s Band I did another concert…on 16th I didn’t go,because I was in Palazzolo,but I went on sunday the 24th…and this week I’ve to go there twice…then: GOOD BYE! I think I won’t work with them anymore.80 euros for 8 reharsal/concerts/march it’s too less!
Rosmini high school’s Wind Band of Rovereto: The conductor contacted me on facebook,he needed horns!!!so he sent me the parts,and on thursday the 21st,after reharsal with my youth band,I left for the toll booth…the pullman with almost the whole wind orchestra picked me,and we went to Novi Ligure…reharsal and concert were very long and very heavy,but also very nice!:) I liked that experience.
With my band reharsal went on,as usual…on fryday the 29th we did the general reharsal in a church,in a concert form,with our uniform…and this evening we’ll have the official concert.

– Music
With my wind quintet is going ok…we’re preparing some pieces of a Brescian author,Rossano Pinelli,for their world premiére. With chorus we had two nice concerts…now we’re preparing other pieces,but I’m not going to reharsal so frequently:p

– Study
Ehm…can I skip this part?
I’ll just say that I subscribed me to the final exam,in Adria,it’ll be on July the 6th.I found a piano player for the exam,and I finally ordered the Orcehstral Excerpts’ book from Padova…it arrived last week,and I’m studying it…

– Friends
Uhm…what to say…I didn’t see my friends that much in the last period(I mean,friends of my usual company),I was really buisy with music,work,or I was out with Michele and Vinc…some things happened again,I think that the company is almost at the end…
My actual company,by the way,is composed by Vinc,Michele,and sometimes from her girlfriend…

– Love
It could be strange…but it’s going quite ok:) I’m feeling really good with him,we’re going out quite often,and…well…I also lost my virginity(allelujah!).I hope that it will go on like that,or maybe even better…who knows? 🙂

– Other facts
First of all: I SHEVED MY LEGS!!!Ok,not at all,Giulietta needed one hour and a whole packaging of wax only to shave half legs:p She’ll finish the opera when she’ll have time:p
I finally had my coming out with my bro,and it went really great:D
My mum always piss me off,and she suspicts a lot about my homosexuality.
I’m finally taking driving lessons.
I cut again my hair.

Uhm…don’t know what I can add…I think that it’s all.

Well…see you:)


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